Intermediate Class Oct-2017 Bonus Game

Hi, recently we started an online chess academy and we had our first classes. I wanted to provide something extra for those who joined and also for the enjoyment of others.

I decided to show some of my own games where I applied some of the themes and topics taught in the class. So the past few topics have been about openings: development, centre control and King Safety. So, I am going to show a game where I sacrificed some material for positional compensation in the form of good centre control(with pawns), more active pieces, safer King, and also easier play.

This game was played in the Malaysian Masters in 2012. I was playing Black and I was feeling abit adventurous during the game. I had just studied the Caro-Kann and played it for the first time in a classical time control game.

The game can be seen here

Even though I lost, I hope you take away the lessons from this game about centre control and King safety. And of course, Don't blunder your QUEEN!!


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