What's your excuse....Reposted in 2021


Workshop in Nov 2019, the kids who got some free lunch from Yusuf

Yusuf (an amazing individual) 

                                           myself when I suffered a hairline fracture in Feb 2019

                                      (I'm sure everyone knows who is the guy holding my wheelchair)

What is your excuse??? (originally posted on Fb on 11th Nov 2019)
I had the honour of meeting this wonderfully positive person, Idris. Yusuf was what he preferred to be called.
It was at night and I was watching football with my cousin around 11pm 2 weeks ago. Yusuf called me at night to ask about joining my workshop and he told me he was wheelchair bound. Having experienced first hand how difficult it is to not be able to use my legs for a month this year, I told him that he shouldn't have a problem entering the venue but access to the toilet could be a problem because there are stairs involved. Yusuf told me that wouldn't be a problem and signed up immediately and paid the next day. I was amazed with how committed he was to learning and determined to not let his circumstances define him.
I found out that he is wheelchair bound for life. I didn't know this before the workshop. The one thing I noticed about Yusof was that he is always smiling and that he is very kind, offering others help and also paying for lunch the kids.
I would like to say thank you to him for having the trust in me.
I also want to thank him for reminding me that whatever excuse I come up with not to do something, it is just my mind's way of trying to keep me comfortable and safe. (originally the post ends here in 2019.)

What excuses are you currently telling yourself? Maybe its time to do something about it.

In 2021, I am currently facing some issues with my priorities. And I tell myself I don't have time but if I am being honest, I actually have a problem with prioritizing. And perhaps I need to find the time to think of that.


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