ICC Classes + Bonus Videos! FREE

 Since Sept 2020, 

I have been doing ICC Classes almost every month.

ICC stands for Immersive Chess Course. 

There are between 4-9 classes per month. July one just ended.

As usual, Positive feedback is always given. The 5 players who attended almost

every one have gained 100-250 points in lichess rating. 2 of them are adults.

You get a chance to watch some of the classes FOR FREE!

There are 3 videos I am giving you access to.

I have picked the VERY FIRST class I did for ICC Series

Watch link here ICC SEPT!

Will be posting another 2 ICC recordings in the next few days here as well!

If you would like access to over 50 ICC Recordings over the past year, you can message me

on my Facebook Page ---> HERE


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