The L-A-T-T-E Principle!

 The L-A-T-T-E Principle....

 (originally published on 27th January 2020)

Last Friday, a few hours before Chinese New Year reunion dinner, I was doing some self reflection and thinking about what I did that brought me the best results in my life, financially, tournament result wise, relationships, etc. As I was writing it down and thinking, this word came into my head and I boiled it down to the principle above. The Latte principle.

I am excited to share it with you.

The first step is L=LEARN. We are born curious. It is our natural state. I read in a book that learning brings joy.

step number 2 is A=APPLY. Apply what you learn. It shows you what works for you and then you can discard the rest. Forgot who said, Knowledge isn't power, Applied Knowledge is Power! And after applying you gain experience.

Step Number 3 is T=TEACH. From experience, you can teach it. It solidifies what works for you and also it deepens your understanding of it and then you can keep doing it.

Step Number 4 is T=TRACK. You can track what you are doing right and there is something magical about writing it down. You remember it more and it becomes habitual.
There is this saying I heard in sports(other places too), You can't improve what you don't measure. And you can't measure what you don't track. I read this is a book describing this skier.

STEP NUMBER 5 is E=ENJOY. Once you get all the 4 steps down, just enjoy it. Actually, that's wrong. Enjoy it throughout all 4 steps.

This is the LATTE principle. If you take out step number 4, it will be the LATE principle. The Track step was something I added in more recently.

This is what works for me and I can only speak from my experience but I think its pretty simple and easy to understand. This isn't a chess principle, I just applied it mostly in chess.

Which of the 5 steps will/did/can you apply this week?


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