Why I Say thank you 1000 times in class and you might not even Hear it!!

 Why I Say thank you 1000 times in class and you might not even Hear it!!

Everyone likes to hear their name.
Everyone likes to hear people say good job.
Everyone likes to hear people say thank you.

What does all this have in common????

Earlier this week, you read about the secret sauce of success for kids. And that is enthusiasm! It makes them more engage, attentive and participative in class and in their lives.

Imagine you do something for someone everyday, for example, you cook dinner, and your kids say that was an amazing meal. You feel good.

Now imagine you do the same thing, but no one says anything. Your kids finish and go straight to their room.

What's the difference here?

Do you like to hear your name?
Do you like to hear someone say to you, good job
Do you like people to say thank you?

How can you summarise it in One word?

You want to be acknowledged. You want your efforts to be recognised. You want people to notice that you are trying.

If an adult wants that, what about a kid? Surely they want it even more. But they don't get it in school. If you answer wrongly, some teachers go why you didn't study this. or they just Shout Wrong!

This is why I say thank you. After every answer, I will say thank you Jai. If I ask for a volunteer and someone comes up, I will say thank you for your bravery. If you have any of my group recordings, you will see I say thank you each time someone answers. its quiet, almost in the background, almost non existent but you subconsciously pick up on it.

Thank you for reading up to here. You are awesome! You can be even more awesome if you acknowledge someone else today!

Who can you acknowledge today?
I want to acknowledge my students who always volunteer and despite being wrong a lot, still come back mistake after mistake without any loss of enthusiasm. It is something that isn't easy for me to do. So salute

This was originally published on my facebook page on 22nd July 2021


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