Joy is in Constant Approach

 Joy is in Constant Approach.....But it doesn't mean you deserve the results.

Its my birthday week and I got a lot of great gifts......

First, I get to play a semi 'OTB' Tournament for the first time in more than a year...It starts this Saturday, one day after my birthday.

Two, Great results from 3 of my students....

You will see them in the upcoming posts.....

I wanted to talk about preparation in this posts. One of my students told his dad that this is the first time he see coach in super serious training mode.

I have been preparing quite intensely for this week's tournament.

My daily schedule for the past 3 weeks is something as follows: 1. Wake up, 2. Solve for 1 hr, 3, Walk.jog 30 minutes, 4. Opening Preparation, 5. Breakfast 6. Training Games, 7. Game Analysis and Discussion. Sounds intense no? Funny thing I actually enjoy it while I do it. 

Just that I have been feeling rather nervous these last few days. Part of me feels like I put in a lot of effort. What if I fail to perform. I realized that its the fear of not being good enough even if I give my all. This is something only competition can draw out.
It is also just my imagination.

I was reminded by a good friend that just enjoy chess. And that the preparation and hard work you put in doesn't give you the right to expect results. Just enjoy the process and see what happens. The training sessions this last 3 weeks have been very tough but extremely satisfying and regardless of whether I get the results I want or not, all I can do is prepare as well as I can and let things play out. Will do my best to enjoy it.

This is the mindset I aim to have whenever I play tournaments. It isn't easy to do but over the years, I have gotten somewhat better at it.

What process in your life can bring you joy?

Originally posted on facebook on 29th April 2021.

Update: I didn't do so well in the tournament I prepared for.

But that's ok. Its all about getting back on track. See posts on Confidence from last Sunday (15th August 2021).


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