Think Long Term. How it helps you to Handle Setbacks

 Long Term vs Short Term

Infinite Game vs Finite Game
Patience vs Impulsive

Last week, my chess friend (also a coach) was telling me about how there have been so many new chess coaches, chess academies springing up in the past year. And most he never heard of. He wasn't sure whether they were qualified or not.

I just said I can imagine that would be true given the popularity of Netflix's Queen's Gambit. And the subsequent boom in popularity after that. I just said it doesn't concern me because most of these people are in it short term. They are the type to chase BSO (Bright Shiny Objects). I said to my friend we are in it long term and I spoke about listening to this concept of the Infinite game (just google it).

He told me but they are so many unqualified ones and no one knows the difference. I corrected him by saying you and I know the difference. But outside people don't. The people in the industry always knows how to differentiate the good from the bad within the industry. And this is true for every industry. People inside knows who the actual good ones are and who aren't

I told him just play the long game. Be patient. On a long enough time line (ie, long term), people will eventually know who the good ones are and not. I guess the challenge is finding out earlier/making an informed decision earlier than that timeline is when you need it.

In the post tomorrow at the same time, I will be showing you a decentralised (at least decentralised from Malaysia) way of figuring that out. A way that cannot be biased by Malaysia.


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