NO Thing is Ever Wasted

Originally posted on 

18 October 2018 on my Facebook Page

 Einstein once said: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

For some reason, this really resonated with me. I believe everyone is born intelligent. I read from the book 'Prison Child' that there are 9 types of Intelligence according to Professor Howard Gardner. Everyone has a different combination of these types of intelligence. And depending on which intelligence profile they have, they learn things differently.

For example, I learnt that I'm better at Interpersonal Intelligence than say Naturalistic Intelligence. I'm not great at Musical Intelligence but decent at Spatial link which basically means I learn better through pictures.

I tried applying this to some of my students. I have been trying to teach them some concept for some time now. And I asked them some questions to determine which intelligence they had. It turned out one of them had very good spatial link intelligence. So I got her to draw the chess pieces movement of that concept. And What do you know, it worked out! And she started drawing more after the class.

This reminds me of another quote by Sarah Caldwell: “Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can, there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.”

This was posted in 2018. I have found it useful as I converse with people from different walks of life.
For example, now I am better able to tell which kids prefer challenges and which prefer a more soft approach.


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